Go Green Program

At Newman Medical, we’re on a mission to make a positive impact on the environment. And it’s not just talk – we walk the walk every day, taking concrete steps to lessen our carbon footprint.

But we don’t stop there. We want to encourage and empower others to join us in building a greener future. That’s why we offer programs like our Doppler recycling initiative, and special time-sensitive “Go Green” promotions to incentivize environmentally-conscious behavior.

Together, let’s create a brighter, more sustainable world. Check back with us to stay up-to-date on our latest green initiatives

Doppler Recycling

As part of the Go Green program, we offer Doppler recycling for ANY Doppler. If you have purchased one of our Dopplers, there is a rebate available when you recycle it.

Please click here to submit your rebate.

“GO GREEN” with a rechargeable DigiDop

Renew Vascular Systems

Our simpleABI systems are built to last through years of everyday use. The simpleABI components with the shorter lifecycles can be easily replaced, renewing the system and maximizing the system’s potential.